View Failed Transfer reports
After the Transfer to Relativity job completes, if the transfer of any included document fails, Epiq Discovery generates a Failed Transfer Report. This report lists any documents that failed to transfer and provides the reason for the failure.
The Failed Transfer Report contains a summary and details about any transfer failures. This report displays the following tabs:
Failed Transfer Report Analyze contains information about the report and filter conditions.
Failed Transfer Report Summary shows summary information about the error messages that caused the failure and how often the error occurred.
Failed Transfer Report Detail describes each document that failed to get transferred, including the document number, file type, file name, file size, reason for failure, and generated date.
Perform the following procedure to view the report.
In the Project page, select the project from which you ran the transfer job.
to switch from Data Overview to Jobs Overview.
The Transfer job displays 100% when done.
If any documents failed to transfer to Relativity, the job page displays a job above the job, where both lines display the same Job Name.
To view the Failed Transfer Report, in the Report job, click the download
When the XLSX file appears at the bottom of the page, select it to view the report in Excel. Alternatively, you can access the file in your Windows Download folder.